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Ladies Clinics

Ladies clinics are run weekdays from 9am-2pm.  Clinics range in level from 1.5 (beginner) to 5.0 (advanced). If you have a group of friends you would like to play with, we would be happy to teach your group.  If you are interested in joining a group, please get in touch so we can find a group that fits your level.

Mens Clinics

Our popular men's clinic is run on Sundays from 4-5:30pm. 

This clinic runs year round and is an intermediate to high intermediate level.  There are eight players, two courts, two pros, and each court is grouped by level.

Drop-In Tennis Clinics

Do you have a crazy schedule?  Then Drop In Clinics may be the best option for you.  Drop In clinics are co-ed and grouped by level.  Clinics are offered on weekend mornings and weekend nights.  Get in touch if you would like to play on a drop in basis and for the latest schedule.

Cardio Tennis

This is an excellent opportunity to get an intense workout as well as play the sport we love.  Cardio Tennis clinics are high energy, a lot of fun and a great challenge for all levels of play.

Point Play

Point play is an excellent opportunity to compete to win points in fast paced, fun situations.  Learn strategies of charging the net and ball placement, while getting a great workout and challenging plays.

Private Lessons

Available Upon Request.

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